Litigation + Business

Efficient, Cost Effective Representation.

Serving Memphis, North Mississippi, Eastern Arkansas and West Tennessee, I have over 14 years experience representing individual and business clients in a host of areas ranging from contract disputes, real estate matters, business planning, probate and injury claims.

Areas of Practice

Civil Litigation

For most businesses and individuals, litigation is time consuming, stressful and financially draining . . . and that is on a good day!  When handled poorly, it can be devastating and in many cases ends in bankruptcy.  While my primary goal for clients is litigation avoidance, should you or your business be sued or feel you need to prosecute a suit, call me for a consultation and lets discuss the risks of litigation, the potential for recovery and cost effective alternatives. Hiring an experienced civil litigator at the outset of your legal issue is extremely important to not only determine your course of conduct but also to ensure that the statute of limitations does not run on any cause of action you may have.

Small Business Advisory & Planning

Businesses and their owners have never operated in a more challenging environment nor one with the potential for explosive growth than we are experiencing today. With these challenges and potential comes a myriad of issues for businesses and their owners to address, from entity selection, formation, capital funding, employment and regulatory concerns just to name a few. Additionally owners of private businesses unlike publicly traded companies, also face decisions such as: “How do I pass my business to my heirs?” or “What happens to my business in divorce?”. Seeking legal advice early from an experienced business attorney can help navigate the complexities of this challenging and exciting time.

Estate Planning/Probate

Estate planning is something most people would rather not think about, but few can afford to ignore.  Clients often times think estate planning is simply determining where their assets go upon their death, however, it is much more than that.  While the estate plan should be structured to maximize non-probate transfers ( i.e. avoid probate), it should also address the lifetime protection of assets from creditors, tax reduction measures (estate, gift and personal) and business succession planning, simply put Estate Planing = Life Planning . . . I will work in close conjunction with your financial advisors and accountants to achieve these goals. I also represent clients in trust and estate litigation, whether it be probate administration, will or trust contests, actions to remove a trustee or other fiduciaries, and prosecution or defense of creditor claims in probate. I have over 14 years experience representing executors, trustees and beneficiaries alike in estate matters throughout Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee.

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